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Self Destruct Page 4

  “Good. A bunch of the guys kidnapped the groom for a week of fishing instead of a bachelor party. The wedding is this Saturday, and then I’ll be heading back to town on Sunday. I won’t be back until late though. Any chance you would give me a do over on Monday? I really would like a second chance. I know I screwed up bad enough to have to ask for one.”

  I thought about leaving Aiden a week earlier than necessary and it made me a little queasy, but I shoved that emotion aside. He wasn't mine and never would be.

  I was sure once I saw Jake again I would be hit with the same feelings I had for him before. “Yeah Jake, maybe I shouldn’t, but I’d like to see you on Monday.” “Great. I was thinking about going hiking in Roslyn and packing a picnic. Do you like hiking?” “I love it actually. I’m in Chelan this week with Toni. Call me on Sunday and let me know for sure if you are going to make it in and I'll head back.”

  “I don’t want you to cut a trip short. Can I come to you?” Jake asked nervously. “I would love that. It is a long drive just for the day though,” I said. “Nah, I’ll just get a room Sunday night and call you in the morning around nine to get the address and come get you. Oh and thanks Bec.” “Sure Jake, see you Monday.”

  I buried my face in my pillow and finally squealed. Toni came in to find me doing a very embarrassing happy dance on top of my bed. “Good talk?” she asked smirking at me.

  “Awesome talk," I said, with a stupid grin on my face. “He asked for a second chance and is going to come here on Monday to spend the day with me. He wants to go hiking and have a picnic.”

  Toni shrugged. “Huh, I guess I was wrong, it was bound to happen sometime.” I hit her with a pillow, and she retaliated. We pounded each other with pillows and didn’t hear Aiden, Nick, and Jeremy enter the cabin. “Now this is what I like to see, except you two are wearing too many clothes,” Nick said, letting us know that they were watching.

  I tossed my pillow back on the bed, but Toni decided to get one more hit in. “I win!” she announced. I shook my head at her and removed a change of clothes from the dresser. “I’m going to jump in the shower,” I announced. “Want some company?” Nick propositioned. “Not yours,” I dismissed him on my way through to the only bathroom.

  When I came out twenty minutes later the guys were trying to talk Toni into going out on Nick’s boat. It sounded like fun to me, well not being around Nick, but the boating sounded fun. Nick was gorgeous, but he seemed devoid of morals. Basically, he made me very uncomfortable.

  My phone started ringing in my room. Toni yelled, “Tell Kate to get her ass up here already.” I remembered to look at the screen this time, Jake. "It isn't her, and I don't think she is coming," I yelled back. I hit answer before Toni could ask me a million questions.

  “Hey miss me already?” I teased. He chuckled. I missed that sound. “Yeah actually I did. Hey I, uh chickened out earlier. I really wanted to invite you to the wedding. I meant to do it the other night, but I was afraid you would feel like I was moving too fast."

  I opened my mouth to reassure him, but he continued. "The hell with it. I want you to come to the wedding with me. We are coming back from fishing tomorrow. Would you meet me in Port Orchard on Friday and be my date to the wedding? If this is too fast let me know. I can get you your own room.”

  “It isn’t too fast, if we are staying in different rooms. I need to talk to Toni before I answer, because I’ll be changing our plans. But honestly think it will be fine. Toni isn’t big on planning too far in the future.” I could hear the smile in his voice when he said, “I’ll wait by my phone.”

  I walked out to the living room. “Hey Toni, uhm, would you be pissed if I bailed on you Friday, and for the rest of the weekend? I’ll probably come back.”

  “What do you mean probably come back?” Toni demanded. “Just what I said. Right now I plan to come back, but I don’t know for sure,” I hesitated.

  “That wasn’t Kate was it?” Toni asked suspiciously. I shook my head. "Didn't you hear me when I said it wasn't?" "Kinda busy," she answered motioning to the guys with her eyes.

  “What the hell does he want now?” She asked, realizing it was Jake on the phone. “He wants me to go the wedding with him,” I answered playing down how big of a deal this seemed. It didn’t work.

  “Becca don’t you think he is pushing things kinda fast after his complete choke Friday night?” she asked raising her eyebrows. “It’s just a wedding Toni,” I dismissed.

  Aiden shook his head at me. “What?” I demanded. “Guys don’t just bring any girl to a wedding. Weddings make girls think about getting married and having babies. We bring girls we want to see how they react to marriage and babies,” Aiden answered. “Shit,” I muttered.



  Shit, that asshole wanted to take her to a wedding. Three days ago he couldn’t run away fast enough, but it didn’t even take him a week to come to his senses. I had to calm down.

  This girl didn't and wouldn't belong to me. I had Vanessa. Why did that feel like an empty consolation? Simple. It felt that way because it was empty.

  Becca deserved to be happy, but why did he have to take her to a fucking wedding? Why couldn't she see how fast this guy was pushing this relationship? I had a week to...I don’t know...figure my shit out.

  “You don’t really think he is wanting me to consider marriage and babies, do you?” Becca asked, interrupting my inner monologue. The color drained out of her face, and she looked really scared. I thought girls dreamed about their weddings, and already had names picked out for their children before they left junior high.

  “I think he wants to see how you fit in with his friends, so he can decide if you are someone he wants to get serious with,” I answered honestly. It’s what I would do.

  “Toni?” Becca asked nearing panic. “I don’t know Becca. Maybe he wants to get serious, or maybe he just doesn’t want to be the only single guy there. I think you should go though. You need to see where this is going. But, after the wedding get your ass back here. You will not sit around waiting for him to throw you another crumb. Comprendes?”

  “I do not wait around for crumbs. But since I agree with you, I’ll come back,” she spit out. I would rather she didn’t go at all, but at least she was coming back. “I’ll just go call him back real quick and tell him I’ll go to the wedding. Then I’ll join in on whatever it is you are planning,” she told Toni.

  Maybe it was better if she left. I just hoped I didn't worry about her. How did she worm into my life in little more than a day? I looked to see if she was still in her room and turned to ask Toni a question. “Is Jake a nice guy? Will she be safe with him?”

  Toni cocked her head and stared at me like she was trying to add something up. “What exactly is your interest here Aiden? Yes, Jake is a nice guy. I’m afraid he's ready for things she isn’t, but that’s really not your problem. Would your girlfriend approve of your concern for Becca?”

  I smirked, which I could see pissed her off. Toni was a fighter, and very protective of her friend. I liked that. I held my hands up to show her I didn’t want to fight.

  “I think Becca is a nice girl, and I don’t want to see some guy take advantage of her innocence. That’s all.” Toni laughed, but it didn’t sound like what she was thinking about was actually funny. “Becca is not as sweet and innocent as she seems. She is more guarded than Fort Knox. Unless you are really persistent you’ll never get past the image she wants you to see.”

  “Do you think Jake is good enough for her?” Why did I keep asking these questions? “Sure. He is smart, super hot, and always a gentleman. You didn’t ask if I thought this was going to work out with them though. The answer to that question is no. Becca freaks out. I think she’ll sabotage herself, or just stop answering her phone before he can get her to commit,” Toni explained.

  “Why would she do that if she likes this guy?” Becca got more complex the more I learned about her. Toni’s eyes danced with amusement. “Well Aide
n. If you want the answers to those questions you are going to have to watch closely and be very persistent. You probably won’t ever find out though,” Toni taunted.

  I raised my eyebrow in question. “I guess you want to know why I said that. Ok, you won’t find out because you will need to get very close to her to gain that level of trust. A level of closeness you will never get to as long as you have a girlfriend. Understand?”

  I nodded my head, but dammit if I wasn’t even more fascinated now. What skeletons could such a sweet person have in their past?



  Friday came around very quickly. Toni forced me to go shopping for what she called “essentials". The essentials were slutty underwear and a new outfit for the wedding. The outfit, an emerald green cocktail dress and strappy-heeled sandals, was a very important purchase. Personally, I could have done without the slutty underwear. In any case, I had no intentions of displaying it.

  Toni and I continued to hang out with Aiden and his friends during the week before the wedding, but I successfully evaded being alone with him. Oddly he seemed only try harder to find chances to get me alone. Weird, but it made me think he was serious about being friends. I could always use another friend.

  I grabbed the garment bag from my closet and a small duffle bag. I opened the trunk of my “mom car," as Toni lovingly called my square shaped and boat sized sedan. Hey, I’m not one to look a free car in the mouth.

  “Hey, ready to head out?” a low voice rumbled behind me. Aiden. My belly flipped and filled with butterflies. Nope. I definitely planned to ignore that reaction. “Yeah, in a couple of minutes,” I answered as casually as possible.

  Looking at Aiden still knocked me for a loop. I couldn't find an accurate description for him: gorgeous, hot, studly, none of those words were adequate.

  I was knocked stupid the first time I saw him, which honestly surprised me because he wasn’t my usual “type”. I always went for the boys with dark hair and dark brooding eyes.

  Aiden, on the other hand, had sandy blonde hair with deep sun-bleached highlights. And his eyes, good lord, I didn’t know eyes could be navy with other colors of blue swirling around. He was an athlete. It showed by the way his t-shirts played tug of war with hidden muscles.

  I allowed my mind to wander while I carefully, maybe too carefully, stowed my bags. I was pretty sure he knew what I was thinking about because he had a lazy smirk on his face. I was learning that smirk meant he was thinking something dirty. “Give me your phone,” Aiden demanded holding out his hand.

  I raised an eyebrow confused by his odd request, but it seemed innocent enough, so I handed him my phone. His fingers flew over the touch screen. A few more swipes and a chime sounded from his back pocket.

  “There now you have my number, and I have yours,” he grinned. I pursed my lips. “Ok, friends have each other’s numbers.” “Of course. Sometimes friends even send dirty pictures and naughty texts,” Aiden winked.

  “Mmm…true. Toni and I are constantly texting pictures of ourselves in our underwear.” “Really?” his voice croaked. I laughed loudly. “Sure, it’s what we do between naked pillow fights.” “I do recall seeing a sexy pillow fight a few days ago," he replied.

  Aiden’s face turned serious. “All joking aside I wanted to make sure you had my number. Just in case.” “Just in case what?” I asked. “An emergency, boredom, whatever. I want you to promise me something.” He watched me closely, searching for my reaction. “Well, that depends on what you want me to promise,” I teased trying to lighten the mood.

  He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Promise that if something happens. If this guy treats you badly you'll call me.” “I’m not sure if that is a promise I can keep Aiden. It sounds sort of like you are offering to be my knight in shining armor, but you aren’t available for that. But, I can promise if something goes wrong I will call for help if I need it.”

  “Ok, but just call me a few times and let me know how you’re doing. Right or wrong I’m going to worry about you.” I nodded yes, and feeling really bold, I kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you in a couple of days,” I said stifling a giggle.

  I found myself missing Aiden and Jeremy the further I drove from the lake. Jeremy was hilarious, and a compulsive flirt.

  It was funny to watch girls swoon over his jet-black hair, ice blue eyes, and underwear model physique. He was also kind, patient, and protective of his friends. I had many moments of comedic relief this week watching what Aiden called the “damn sorority girls” vie for Jeremy’s attention.

  Yesterday the ringleader pressed her surgically enhanced body against Jeremy’s back in a sneak attack. She started rubbing herself against him like a cat. I kept waiting for her to start purring.

  The five interchangeable girls seemed to be irritated by his lack of interest, and strove to outdo the each other. Jeremy wasn’t really out completely, and he didn’t want to tell them he was gay. His close friends and family knew, but he didn't want to make a big thing about it at school. He only told people he knew well.

  I noticed his distress and decided to rescue him. I cleared my throat to get her attention. “Would you mind removing yourself from my man?” Jeremy smiled with relief.

  “Hey babe, I didn’t see you come over.” He tossed his arm over my shoulder, and I snuggled in. I thought what the hell, might as well bring it home.

  I grabbed the neck of his t-shirt and brought his mouth down to mine. I had to give him credit. He caught on quick and started kissing me back. He propped me up to straddle his waist and carried me into their cabin. He kissed me like he wanted me naked.

  He slammed the door, and I climbed down from him. “Damn girl, I think I went straight for a minute there.” “Well, I enjoyed it too. You have some serious skills Jer.” “Thank you for saving me from sorority Barbie.” I smiled at him and then we both burst out laughing until we had tears running down our faces.

  “Jer, I think we just had a bonding experience,” I said bumping shoulders with him. “Do you think this is the start of a beautiful friendship?” Jeremy teased. “Most definitely,” I agreed.

  The drive to Port Orchard went quickly with memories of my new friends keeping me company. My doubts and fears didn’t emerge until I exited the freeway into town. I pulled into the hotel where Jake had already reserved me a room, and called him to let him know that I made it.

  Jake and I spent the evening together. And by spent the evening I mean in a strictly PG sense. He introduced me to some of his friends, and took me to a few of his favorite teenage hangouts. It was fun, relaxed and friendly. Yep, not romantic, just friendly. Around ten Jake took me back to the hotel. He walked me to my door, and kissed me, on the top of the head. On. Top. Of. My. Fucking. Head.

  I paid extra attention getting ready for the wedding. I wanted some sort of a reaction from Jake. Hell I got a stronger reaction from Jeremy, and I knew that would never happen.

  I curled my hair into smooth soft waves that hung down my back. I paid careful attention to my make-up, playing up my large green eyes and bow shaped lips. My green dress had a sweet heart neckline, and tucked in at the waist. The color accentuated my auburn hair and porcelain skin. I knew I looked good, but a little confirmation couldn’t hurt.

  I grabbed my phone and took a picture of my reflection. I usually hate these kinds of pictures, but this one turned out hot. Before I could think about it too much I hit send. Jake’s knock on the door covered up the ping that signaled a response.



  Wow, just yeah, wow. That dress was hot. I scrubbed my hand across my face trying to wipe away dark thoughts. There was no way her date wasn’t going to try and advance their relationship with her looking like that.

  I kept telling myself to calm down. I told myself she was coming back to me, except she wasn’t, not really. She wasn't because she wasn't mine, and by tonight she might be his. But I had her attention right now.

  Me: You are k
illing me Becca. I think I’m going to make this my new wallpaper.

  Becca: You asked for it, remember that.

  Me: I asked for dirty pictures, but after seeing you in that dress I don’t think I can handle it. Not that I would complain if you sent me a picture of yourself in your new “slutty” underwear.

  Becca: Toni is so dead. Tell her to run when she sees my car. Is this your idea of a friendly conversation?

  Me: I’m being very friendly. How is the wedding? Is he treating you right?

  Becca: The wedding is fine. I don’t really know anyone. I kinda feel like arm candy. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

  Me: Just fine? Isn’t lover boy paying attention to you? He isn’t being a dick is he? What is happening tomorrow? I thought you were coming back here.

  Becca: Calm down cowboy. I will be back tomorrow. Honestly I’m bored out of my mind. Jake is extremely polite, but I got a bigger rise out of Jeremy the other day than I have out of Jake since I got here. And yes, pun intended.

  Me: I don’t really like the image of you trying to get a “rise” out of anyone. I think I hate this guy. Wait how did you get a “rise” out of Jeremy?

  Becca: Ah, long story. Let’s just say the guy that ends up with him is LUCKY! Hey tell him I’d gladly save him from a skank any day. The service is starting. TTYL.

  “Jeremy!” I shouted, irrationally pissed. “Dude not so loud,” Jeremy responded. I shoved my phone at him and he read through our texts. “Holy shit that girl is hot!” Jeremy exclaimed.

  “Not the picture ass, read the texts,” I demanded. I watched his face as he read through my exchange with Becca. He looked up at me curiously, but kept whatever he was thinking to himself.

  When he scrolled down to the bottom he started howling with laughter. “Explain this please,” I snapped. “Relax Aiden. You really need to figure this shit out. You're acting like a jealous possessive asshole. You. Have. A. Girlfriend. Vanessa, remember her? If you want Becca, dump Vanessa. If you choose Vanessa, then leave Becca alone."